mDNS Component ============== .. |COMPONENT| replace:: mdns .. |ESP_IDF_VERSION| replace:: 5.3 .. |VERSION| replace:: 1.1.0 .. include:: ../../../installation.rst .. include:: ../../../sdkconfig_network.rst Features -------- 1. :cpp:class:`PL::MdnsClient` - an mDNS client class. :cpp:func:`PL::MdnsClient::DnsSdQuery` discovers services using a DNS-SD query. 2. :cpp:class:`PL::MdnsServer` - an mDNS server class. :cpp:func:`PL::MdnsServer::AddService` adds a :cpp:class:`PL::NetworkServer` to the mDNS server as a service. Thread safety ------------- Class method thread safety is implemented by having the :cpp:class:`PL::Lockable` as a base class and creating the class object lock guard at the beginning of the methods. Examples -------- | `mDNS client `_ | `mDNS server `_ API reference ------------- .. toctree:: api/types api/mdns_client api/mdns_server