NVS Component ============= .. |COMPONENT| replace:: nvs .. |ESP_IDF_VERSION| replace:: 5.0 .. |VERSION| replace:: 1.0.0 .. include:: ../../../installation.rst .. include:: ../../../sdkconfig_common.rst Features -------- 1. :cpp:class:`PL::NvsNamespace` - an NVS namespace class. It is initialized with a namespace name and a partition name (optional). A number of :cpp:func:`PL::NvsNamespace::Read` and :cpp:func:`PL::NvsNamespace::Write` functions read and write from/to the NVS. :cpp:func:`PL::NvsNamespace::Erase` functions erase one or all values. :cpp:func:`PL::NvsNamespace::Commit` writes any pending changes to the NVS. Thread safety ------------- Class method thread safety is implemented by having the :cpp:class:`PL::Lockable` as a base class and creating the class object lock guard at the beginning of the methods. API reference ------------- .. toctree:: api/types api/nvs_namespace